Aria the Scarlet Ammo is an anime television series produced by JC Staff, based on the light novel series written by Chūgaku Akamatsu and illustrated Liars Aria Blaze, fictional character in My Little Pony films Aria Kanzaki, fictional character in the Aria the Scarlet Ammo series of novels Aria Shichijou beginning in 10 Aria the Scarlet Ammo a Japanese light novel, manga, and animeUmeko Tsuzuri is one of the Masters at Butei High and the Head of the Dagula Department She is one of the elite Butei in the art of interrogation and ranks among the top five in Japan No matter how firm the offender is, after Tsuzuri's interrogation they won't stay normal and seem start referring to her as Queen or Goddess Also, she is the best friend of Ranbyou and interacts with綴先生にお客様をお連れしました!」 教務科の扉を開け中を伺う。ここにいるのは現役バリバリの武偵である教官たち。ものすごい緊張感だ。 「なんだバニングスか何か用事か?」 その部屋の奥に目的の人綴梅子の存在を見つけたわたしは声を 鏡高菊代 萌娘百科萬物皆可萌的百科全書 緋弾のアリア 綴梅子 声優